Heather Moore
Human Resources
Heather Moore is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) with over 20 years’ experience in human resources. Her career has spanned small and medium businesses and charities, Further Education, and government departments.
We can help you support your staff and resolve people issues, whether you need extra input on specific HR projects or issues, or on-going or occasional advice as needed. Based in Sussex, we can support you to resolve:
Grievances vary in nature and may arise due to conflict with others, perceived unfavourable treatment or poor management, pay or workload issues. Dealing with grievances can be time consuming and we support you to deal with them, referencing and complying with your policies and procedures.
Decision-makers or those managing a disciplinary process may be doing so outside of their normal roles. We support you to address disciplinary issues fairly and transparently in line with procedures and the law, and to identify relevant factors when making decisions.
Reasons for a person struggling to perform a job role, or to do so to the required standard can vary, for example, due to skill levels, aptitude, health or physical or mental issues. We advise and support you to assess performance, make reasonable adjustments, and identify ways forward.
We write or update HR policies and procedures that work for you, comply with best practice and the law, set expectations and guide how workplace issues will be addressed.